18 de outubro de 2008

Quote of the week

"Barack's mom was on food stamps for a while—single mom, had him when she was eighteen; dad left when he was two. Michelle's father was a blue-collar worker with a terrible disability who died at a relatively young age. And yet Barack and Michelle went to the best schools in the country! And instead of pursuing the corner office at a big law firm, they both devoted their lives to public service. Isn't that the American Dream? Where else but in America could this happen? Nowhere!"

Valerie Jarret, a "secret weapon" (espécie de conselheira, amiga, etc.) de Barack Obama, candidato favorito à presidência dos EUA, em entrevista dada à Vogue de outubro.

Tá bom que no final ela dá uma de patriota dizendo que essa maravilha só poderia acontecer no país dela, o que não é verdade. Mas eu me senti profundamente inspirada pelo Barack, pela sua esposa Michelle e pela própria Valerie. Eis o que eu quero também: o setor público.